Firstly, statutory activities of the Promotion of Nowa Huta Foundation include training courses and delivery services for employers. As a part of offered services, we work on a financing project and inform Clients of potential sponsors. We analyze the ideas of our Clients, checking the eligibility of expenses and accessible sources of financing. If the need arises, we help people initiate cooperation with local Colleges and Universities, with which have stable working partnerships, for work concerning our areas (Research & Development). We also help cooperate with banks and financing institutions which ensure financing investments.

Currently we work in following areas:

  • Open and exclusive training courses
  • Soft skill courses
  • Professional courses
  • Managing courses
  • Acquiring EU funding
  • Delivery service and consultations
  • Project management

The Promotion of Nowa Huta Foundation is a member of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies, as shown on the official certificate below.


“Krajowy Fundusz Szkoleniowy”, that is the National Training Fund, is the solution designed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and financing from the Labour Fund. Its purpose is to help employers who support retraining and updating the knowledge of their employees.

The goal of KFS is to prevent loss of employment by hired workers due to lack of qualification caused by the shifting economic dynamics. Increasing investment in HR potential should improve the company’s position, as well as the employees’ on the competitive labor market.

All employers can apply for the training financing, as stated by art. 2 pt. 1 point 25 of Polish Act on Employment Promotion & Labour Market, which includes organizational units without a legal personality and natural persons, as long as they have at least one employee under contract.

All employees can be trained with the National Training Fund funding. It doesn’t matter if their contract is for an indefinite term, a fixed term, full-time or part-time. KFS is not granted for business without any employees, or with employees contracted for a specific task only.

KFS resources are granted for business employers according to the EU competition law as de minimis aid.



Evaluation of needs in terms of employee training, and providing help with applying for financing resources from KFS.


Employee training courses and postgraduate studies, supported or initiated by the employer.


Certified exams and professional licenses which validate new skills and qualifications.


Medical and psychological examinations, required for entering the training program or professional work afterwards.


Covers 80% or 100% (if it concerns micro businesses) of training expenses, up to 300% of the average annual salary per employee.



professional trainer

Graduate of Political Science from Local Government and Politics Department, consultant and author of several dozen social projects, investments for businesses and local government units. She gained experienced by participating in following projects: the Infrastructure and Environment Programme, the Polish Ombudsman, Regional Development Operational Program/Smart Growth Operational Programme, (Sectoral) Operational Programme ‘Human Resources Development’, POWER: Knowledge Education Development, Norway Grants, European Economic Area in finances 2004-2006, 2007-2013 and current 2014-2020.

She has practical experience in the area of project management (such as: finances, monitoring and evaluation, promoting projects, project result sustainability) as well as public procurement and finance. She also gained professional experience in private businesses, ngo organizations and public finance related organizational entities (such as Head of the EU Fundings Department, Head of the Fundraising and Strategic Partners Department, Head of the Science, Research and Technology Transfer Department).


educator,  trainer

Consulting, financial services, banking. Management of innovations in the enterprise. Marketing, human resources. Third sector NGO and local government.
Running his own business since 2012. Involved in the recruitment and development of employees through the development path of the incentive system, promotions for employees. Entrepreneur with several years of practice in conducting numerous training courses, consulting services in various industries.
Participant of many training courses, constantly learning and developing his own workshop. Specialist in modern techniques and methods of learning. Participant, coordinator of many projects for entrepreneurs and employees, including in the NGO sector. District councilor, member of many pro-social projects and program councils.Has professional experience as a business trainer, PR and Investor Relations specialist.

Higher education in progress – Direction Management spec. Company Management.
Conducting open and closed trainings. Classes and lectures in schools, foundations and during congresses. As a business trainer, he has conducted many trainings and lectures for employees of all levels including owners and managers.


PhD in humanities studies, professional trainer

Doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy, adjunct research and teaching employee of the Institute of Social Work at the Pedagogical University in Cracow. She deals with social work methodology, social problems and issues, methodology of work of a family assistant. She is the supervisor of the Student Scientific Circle of Local Community Animators.

She is a member of the Polish Association of Schools of Social Work and the Team of Social Pedagogy at the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She was a member of the editorial committee of the journal “Labor et Educatio” in 2013-2015, and is currently the secretary of the journal “Homo et Societas.” Member of the Team for the development and implementation of the Strategy for Solving Social Problems for 2016-2020 for the Municipality of Ivanowice. Author of publications on social work, social problems, old age, family and hospice and palliative care. She is secretary of the Scientific Council of the Malopolska Hospice for Children in Krakow and has been a member of the Scientific Council of the All-Ukrainians Association from Palliative and Hospice Care since 2014. She actively cooperates with the Małopolski Hospicjum for Children and the Versailles Club.


legal advisor

Graduate of the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, majoring in Law, and of the Warsaw University School of American Law. Legal counsel, specialist and practitioner in local government law, currently head of the legal and public procurement department of one of the largest local government cultural institutions in Poland.

He gained professional experience working in private sector companies, ngo’s and public finance sector entities. He was involved in legal services (own business and in-house), as well as management, evaluation and settlement of EU projects. Expert and trainer in business law, labor law, broadly understood social welfare issues, administrative law, personal data protection and public procurement law.



Graduate of Law at the Jagiellonian University. In 2012-2016, participant in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Scholarship holder of international programs (Faculty of Law Tel Aviv University), publishes scientific articles in professional legal press. Since 2015, he has been running his own law firm.


hairdresser, educator, businesswoman

Master and journeyman hairdresser. She has been in the hairdressing industry for 14 years. She works according to the principle that a pearl of beauty should be found in every person. She began her career with a 3-year apprenticeship, after which she achieved the title of journeyman hairdresser. Then, constantly improving her working technique, she completed numerous courses and trainings. In 2016, she earned the title of Master in the profession of hairdresser. Since then, she has been passing on knowledge and experience to her charges. In 2017, she opened the first hair salon signed with her name. UM Metamorfoza is growing every year by introducing more treatments and services, as well as before raising the qualifications of the entire team. The salon also places a very strong emphasis on the culture of customer service and the high quality of salon products and equipment. This is the way of working that it tries to pass on to its trainees.

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